![The Imperial Age-Akthik Reach Moha Ming-[45END]](https://asiadrama.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/The-Imperial-Age-1x2-1-185x278.jpg)
During the problem of the Western Wei Line, a colossal number of ordinary people were diminished to slaves and their lives were like straw. The slave young woman Chu Qiao ( played by Zhao Liying ) was sent off a hunting ground to be away for the diversion of the blue-bloods. Fortunately, the leader of Yanbei, Yan Xun ( played by Dou Xiao ), subtly shielded her, and a while later she was taken into areas of strength for the family in Chang’an. Following seeing the horrendous passings of his family, he vowed to eliminate his sister from the prison. Chu Qiao pulled in the thought of the enlightened nobility Yu Wenyue ( played by Lin Gengxin ), and remembering that being constrained to go through careful readiness, she in like manner made a significant partnership with Yan Xun. The clans of the Western Wei Custom were doing combating, and Yan Xun’s family was gotten out. They were in a berserk situation. Chu Qiao stayed with him life and end and helped him with moving away from the issue. Anyway, following returning to Xiliang, Yan Xun’s longings stretched out and he was prepared to clutch control of the country to the detriment of the presences of people in the city. Chu Qiao went out this way and that from Yan Xun irredeemably. Yan Xun expected to move toward Yu Wenyue in the ice lake. Chu Qiao and Yu Wenyue fell into the ice lake and their lives were questionable.
Episode 1 (for episodes, assuming no one really minds, insinuate the TV interpretation) On the weak prison vehicle, a young woman was setting down with her eyes shut. The dream was stacked with blood and deluge. In a shock, she recently recalled that specific people called her Chu Qiao and others called her Jing Xiaoliu. She didn’t have even the remotest clue where she came from and where she was going. The road ahead was questionable. Low howls came from the prison vehicle, and Chu Qiao got back to her resources from her dream. There were pariahs all around, and a young woman who called herself Wavy Hair heard Chu Qiao’s stomach growling, so he gave her half of the home he had hid away. Chu Qiao told Wavy Maotou that her name was Jing Xiaoliu, and Wavy Maotou called her Sister Xiaoliu. The slave young women were taken to the fenced in area. In the Great City of the Western Wei Line, Yan Xun, the crown leader of Yanbei, Yu Wang Yuansong, the thirteenth sovereign of the Western Wei Custom, Wei Shuye, the genuine offspring of the most established offspring of the Wei family, Zhao Xifeng, the second offspring of the Zhao family, and Yu Wenhuai, the third fancy woman of the Yuwen family, overcame their horses of the city to a nook. The female slaves were driven out of the tent and stayed in the point of convergence of the fenced in area, enveloped by authorities and champions holding weapons. The pieces of clothing the young women were wearing had the names of a couple of young fellows created on them. Seeing this current situation, the youthful colleagues staying on the high stage were frustrated about Yu Wenhuai’s points. Yu Wenhuai smiled happily and let various youngsters in on that this was no normal pursue. The prey this time consolidates wolves, yet furthermore these new young woman slaves. You can shoot the beasts or others’ slaves. Following consuming the incense, whoever has the most slaves left will win. Ruler Yu felt that this kind of continuous connection was excessively dreadful and conflicted with it. Notwithstanding, Zhao Xifeng found it incredibly captivating and encouraged everyone to get empowered. A couple of gathering were in consistent struggle, and their words became warmed. Seeing Zhao Xifeng clamoring for the wolf to be conveyed, Ruler Yu acquitted himself and hung on until Yu Wenyue appeared preceding start. Yu Wenhuai smiled forebodingly, saying that Yu Wenyue was uncertain it was the spring night.
On the contrary side, Yuwen Family Qingshan Porch. Sun Yuwen Yue, the most established recipient of the Yuwen family, sporting white, just opened the entrance and walked around the room when he saw a joy lying on the bed. In any case, he just took a gander at the greatness lying on the bed, then, walked directly to the workspace and plunked down. The greatness saw this and got down to business and charm her. Yu Wenyue, regardless, maintained tranquil and used the mystery to attract the brilliance to move forward and kill her, and subsequently got her at the same time. Resulting to discarding the expert assassin, Yu Wenyue mentioned his men to set up their horses and run towards the nook. While Yu Wenyue was still on the way to the nook, there was by then a scene of groaning and yelling in the walled in area. The wall entryways on the different sides were opened, and more than twenty savage wolves quickly rushed into the fenced in area, opened their absurd mouths, and roared towards the young women. Chu Qiao saw the incorporating an area and hollered for the young women to escape from the empty nook and hide on the slants with plants. In the furor, bolts from the high stage were by then went after the young women. Inside a second, a couple of gathering around them had tumbled down. Chu Qiao pulled her wavy hair and a significant part of the time avoided the bolts shot from the high stage and the mission for hungry wolves, attracting the thought of the youths. In the free for all, an energetic wolf hindered the way in front. Chu Qiao mentioned that Wavy Hair cover first and went to lead the insatiable wolf away. In the wake of seeing this, Crown Sovereign Yan Xun drew a bolt and bow, shot the eager wolf and saved Chu Qiao. Chu Qiao, who had as of late moved away, was enclosed by two hungry wolves, one behind the other. Compelled into a rushed situation, to make due, she got a bolt on the ground and cut it into the voracious wolf’s throat. On the sand rises some place distant, Yu Wenyue was remaining riding a pony. Looking at the troublesome young woman in the nook, he truly needed to regard her in his heart, she was an imagined champion. There were progressively hardly any young women in the walled in area. Yu Wenhuai looked at the stubborn Chu Qiao underneath and couldn’t avoid the potential chance to end up being more energetic. He flew onto his horse and called his men into the nook to pursue down the overabundance female slaves. A couple of other youthful colleagues followed eagerly behind. Ruler Yan Xun just revolved around shooting hungry wolves on the way and didn’t pursue the female slaves. Step by step, there were progressively hardly any female slaves in the walled in area, and progressively not many hungry wolves. There was only a gathering of men and horses, running incredibly in the wild, seeking after the young women toward break, and slave young women kept on falling. Chu Qiao pulled her wavy hair and ran as hard as conceivable on the sand rise, not thinking for even one moment to tone down momentarily. She understand that she couldn’t stop to make due.
The last solid of bolts was heard some place far away, and everyone dealt with their horses and ended. Yu Wenhuai was hesitant to do accordingly, so he really drew his bow and shot at the slave young woman. The wavy head running behind tumbled to the ground. Chu Qiao turned and embraced the wavy head immovably, still like being persevered. Yu Wenhuai was hesitant to let Chu Qiao, who had “Yue” formed on her body, scrape by. Regardless of what the previous game plan, he really shot a bolt at Chu Qiao. Yan Xun saw this and shot Yu Wenhuai’s bolt, but it really missed by two or three millimeters and just missed several strands of tufts at the tail of the bolt. Totally dry on time, Yu Wenyue subtly impeded the bolt with a crossbow bolt and saved Chu Qiao’s life. The crushed Chu Qiao typically didn’t understand how she persevere through the disputes of a couple of teenagers. She just had hatred in her heart at the present time, so that when Crown Ruler Yan Xun asked her name, she just addressed energetically, “When one day I don’t have to respect you any longer, I will tell you ordinarily.” Chu Qiao was adequately lucky to make due, however since she made Yu Wenhuai disheartened, she was kept in Yuwen’s woodshed by the house cleaner Zhu Dodge. Chu Qiao, who was lying on the ground, was stacked up with disdain. She was unable to stand this world. Those blue-bloods were more disturbing than hungry wolves, and living spirits were lower than grass. In the weak woodshed, Chu Qiao, who was campaigned in wounds, quietly swore that one day, at some point, she would make these people pay with their blood. A man walked around with a food keep his hand. At the point when he appeared before Chu Qiao, he considered Chu Qiao Xiaoliu with an irritated look everywhere and said that he was the fifth kin. Chu Qiao had no colleague with him and was fairly impenetrable to his strategy. The man took out a bowl of rice from the food box. On top of the rice was a piece of Chu Qiao’s #1 braised pork. Chu Qiao took it with tears in her eyes, feeling that she had eaten the most heavenly thing in her life. Yan Xun came to Yu Wenyue and mentioned that he help with handling the issue of Princess Chun’s birthday dinner. Yu Wenyue, with a cool enunciation, handled Yan Xun’s anxiety with two or three words. In the woodshed, Chu Qiao was at this point unmindful. While she was resting, she reviewed that she was fighting with a man and unexpectedly fell into the water. She felt cold all over in the fast streaming stream. Someone put the radiator in her grip, and Chu Qiao stirred. It worked out that the sisters were managing her.