As a youngster, Park Hoon (Lee Jong-suk) and his dad Park Cheol, a notable specialist (Kim Sang-joong) were shipped off North Korea to lead an open-heart a medical procedure on Kim Not well Sung to forestall the Subsequent Korean Conflict. Subsequent to being shipped off North Korea, Park Hoon and his dad were denied admittance to return to South Korea. It is uncovered that Park Cheol is suing the Myungwoo College Emergency clinic for a serious misbehavior case and Park Cheol’s companion, Dr Park Choi needed to assume liability. Nonetheless, the overseer of the Emergency clinic Goodness didn’t need the negligence case to become public which will destroy the clinic’s standing. As the outcome, he schemed with Jang Seok-joo, a public safety official to make Park Cheol and his child caught in North Korea. In North Korea, Park Hoon was prepared to turn into a specialist by his dad who was at that point a well known specialist. He turned into a virtuoso cardiothoracic specialist subsequent to going to clinical school in North Korea while working two jobs as a dealer, selling South Korea K-pop DVD. There, he fell profoundly enamored with Melody Jae-hee (Jin Se-yeon). After Park Hoon’s dad passed on, he attempted to escape to South Korea with Jae-hee, yet lost contact with her eventually. Park Hoon had the option to escape to South Korea alone.
In South Korea, Park Hoon starts to fill in as specialist in a top medical clinic Myungwoo College Emergency clinic. In the interim, he found a young lady that very closely resembles Jae-hee, Specialist Han Seung-hee, who claims not to know Park Hoon. Simultaneously, Lee Sung-hoon, a main specialist in the clinic designs his vengeance against the foundation for the demise of his dad in the negligence case a long time back.
Jae Joon becomes irate due to how appreciative Soo Hyun is that Hoon attempted to save her mom; Hoon figures out that Jae Hee has been found and attempts to search for her.
The executive of Myung Charm College Medical clinic needs to have a contest between Dr. Han’s Group and Dr. Moon’s Group; Dr. Moon purposely consents to help Hoon out as he continued looking for adoration, for him to join his group at the emergency clinic.
Chang Yi and her mom are set for see the sights so she requests that Hoon convey some water jugs to the clinic for her; Hoon meets the young lady and her dad, from the jungle gym, in torment and chooses to help.
Through Park Cheol’s activities, Park Hoon takes Jae Hee to Budapest where he intends to get away; Jin Soo learns about his arrangements and attempts to stop him.
Teacher Park Cheol and his child are shipped off North Korea to carry out procedure on Kim Il Sung; Park Cheol’s child drives him to carry out the procedure.
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